Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Book Review: Your Daily Bible Verse
Your Daily Bible Verse, written by Rachelle Ayala, is a great way to study the Bible.

Each day corresponds to a scripture verse. For example, on today's date (August 14), the verse in Romans 8:14 is posted: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Only the chapter and verse number is in order, giving you a variety of verses in the Bible to read and memorize.

Some verses are straightforward and easy to relate to, and some verses allow some thought behind their meaning, referring you back to the Bible to get a better understanding of the story behind the scripture. I love learning the back stories, and this book is a great way to dig deeper as well.

I received this in PDF format, which made it easy for me to print out and place a few copies around the house. You could even modify the pages and create a weekly calendar to place on a desk. There's even a section at the end of the book that explains how easy it is to memorize any verse.

This is a great gift to purchase for a friend, family member or a new believer. It is suitable for all ages. The pages are easy to read, and the verses are simple enough to memorize and keep with you. This book would also be good for bible studies, as they could study the specific verse of the day in depth.

You can check out more books from Rachelle at She also sells her books on Amazon for Kindle, Barnes and Noble for Nook, and Smashwords.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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This Silly Girl's Life

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