Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Internet Finds: Brain Test

Most of the time I find these kind of websites from friends and pages I follow on Facebook. I love finding surveys and tests on the brain and sociological type information. I always wondered which side of my brain is dominant (who hasn't?), so when I found this brain test by Sommer & Sommer I took it (This is a German website, so make sure you click on English on the top right). The test is short, but it has really nice graphics. Here are my results:

I'll admit, I took the test 3 times. The first test I had something like 72% right brained. I realized I answered one question incorrectly, so I took it again and it showed 50-50%. There's no way to save your results, so I took the test one more time and this is what I got. There's not too much in-depth explanation as to why the numbers are the way they are. It made me want to look at other websites, and I found a couple that were good.

The Art Institute of Vancouver has a more precise explanation of each percentage, with a breakdown of the numbers in terms of  how creative or logical you may be.

I took a face recognition test on Test My Brain, and there are more fun tests to take to work on your brain and eye motor skills. 

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