Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Finishing old projects and not buying yarn

I have been on the not-buying yarn trend since last year 2022, frankly because I do not have much time to shop in-person or online. I have stopped in a few craft shops in the past year to look at the yarns. I have always looked for discounted or clearance yarn to purchase. I can easily say that is easier for me to not purchase new yarn. The harder task is to figure out what to make with the amount of yarn I have. 

The easiest way I have kept track of my WIPS is to use Ravelry. I have it sorted to show the items that I have listed at my recent works in progress. Either these patterns have been in my want-to-make pile, my started-but not finished, or my idea projects. Adding a photo of the wips reminds me to keep working on the current things I have.

My frogged or hibernating wips are located at the bottom of my list. Most of the projects that are frogged are there because I didn't want to waste the yarn. Maybe I will take a look at some of my old finished projects and remake them.

One of the reasons why I enjoy looking back at my past projects is to see what I have learned over the years and see if I can make a better version of my first attempt. I also I have some ideas on improving or updating an older piece of clothing and modifying it to be a more enjoyable piece to wear. 

I have even purchased a Happy Planner to see if I can document the recent projects I will be working on, and I will see if that is a more fulfilling way to keep track. 

How about you? What are you using to keep track of your projects?

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