Tuesday, May 2, 2023

What are you Doing 2023 - May Challenge

 What Are You Doing? May 2023 Social Hop

What Are You Doing? Social Media Hop
Welcome to the What Are You Doing monthly social media hop! May is here, and there are so many exciting things to join in with crafting. I know of a few good crochet and make alongs. Now, it's your turn to share!

What are you working on? 
Got any current WIPs (works in progress)? How-to videos? Have any interesting adventures or places you have traveled with your family? You can share in whichever creative outlet you post on. This is a monthly social hop, so you can post as many times as you want for the month. 
  • Share a link from your blog, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, or other social media platforms. 
  • Link to a post or page of your blog, not just the main website.
  • All links will be shared on my Pinterest board. See what other bloggers have been posting!

Enter your link information below:

What have I been doing?
I am finishing up my sunflower granny square bag. I have been taking my time with putting it together. I usually take time to crochet in the evening after we put our son to bed. Once that bag is done, I will continue to make more flower granny squares. I plan on joining the year-long MAL (make-along) #moosflowerpowercal from Cr4ftym00 Sarah on Youtube. You can watch her video on the instructions to join in. 

Share your work and start a conversation in the comments below, and follow on Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok

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