Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What Are You Doing? Wednesday Blog Hop #12

Hey it's Wednesday! Welcome to BLOG HOP #12! I've had such a busy day this week!
Let's start with our featured posts first.

I love these Affordable Hair Masks from the Kitchen from My Personal Accent. Since I've been changing my hair recently, I've been looking for healthier alternatives for my hair. This is the perfect information!

DIY Hair Masks
My Personal Accent

Dolly Creates wrote a blog entry on all the things she has been doing and working on lately. My favorite project of hers is this scrubbie. Looks easy to make, and I can't wait to see the tutorial of this project!

Dolly Creates

Congratulations featured bloggers!

What have I been doing this week?

I have been working on another market bag (made from yarn) and mostly focusing on my diet healthy lifestyle and counting calories. It has been working so far, and I hope I can stay on track. I know I can do it if I write about it. It really helps me out. I also have some music playing on the weekend and more vacation bible school. I love hanging out with kids, and they definitely keep me working out!

What have you been doing this week? Let me know about it!
  • Please post the link to a specific blog entry, not just the blog. I look at every link posted, and I comment in every entry. If you don't post a specific entry I can't comment!
  • Adding your email address will add you to my blog hop email list. I will only send you an email once a week informing you of the blog hop. If you don't want to be emailed, just let me know.
  • If your blog is featured on this blog hop, I will be using the picture you posted on the linky.
  • *NEW* I will share all blog entries on my Facebook page:
  • All blog posts will also be pinned on my pinterest board, so others can see the awesome things you are doing!
  • Family friendly posts, please!
Grab a Button!
Content in the Meantime

Follow me for future blog hops!

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