Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What Are You Doing? Wednesday Blog Hop #19

Welcome to week #19 of my blog hop! Thanks you for stopping by and sharing your blogs! 

This blog hop runs from Wednesday through next Tuesday 11:59pm EST. That gives you plenty of time to write a blog post and submit it.

I choose two posts to feature each week. I'm glad new bloggers had a chance to stop by and share their work. The featured blogs this week are from Elsie May and Bertha and It's Your Life.

Louise from Elsie May and Bertha shared a beautiful wedding ring pillow she created for the Get Crafty with Creative Connections Monthly Challenge.

Joyce from It's Your Life shares the no-till method she used for her Fall garden. I have to start transitioning to Fall plants too, so this is great information for me.

Congratulations to the featured blogs!

What have I been doing?

I bought myself a Nook tablet to take to California. I wanted to buy a padded case, but some were so expensive. So when I got back, I crocheted this tablet case from t-shirts. All I need to add is a zipper on the top. I will write a blog entry on this project (soon).

Here is a view of the monstrosity that is the market bag, I am on the home stretch (or home stitch) of the completion. Rows 15-28 are MURDER. I think I've done a couple thousand double crochets. I hope I have enough yarn. I only bought 7 small skeins and I can't find any more of the same at Blog Lots. Guess I will have to research and find something similar. OR I can just stop and make a shorter market bag. So many decision!

Now it's your turn! What have you been doing this week?

  • Please post the link to a specific blog entry, not just the blog. I look at every link posted, and I comment in every entry. If you don't post a specific entry I can't comment!
  • Adding your email address will add you to my blog hop email list. I will only send you an email once a week informing you of the blog hop. If you don't want to be emailed, just let me know.
  • If your blog is featured on this blog hop, I will be using the picture you posted on the linky.
  • I will share all blog entries on my Facebook page:
  • All blog posts will also be pinned on my pinterest board, so others can see the awesome things you are doing!
  • Family friendly posts, please!
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